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Health and wellbeing



What we eat is a key influencing factor in the state of our health. We are learning more about individual responses to food; that one size doesn’t fit all. Working together gives us the opportunity to find out what works for you and how to make sustainable changes where needed. Good nutrition is for life.


Medicinal herbs have been used for millennia to support health. They have evolved with us, in the same environment as us. They embody medicinal complexity, containing numerous constituents that impact many different physiological pathways. As a medical herbalist, I am fully trained to work with herbs skillfully to support health.


Microbes are integral to human health. Through interactions with our gut lining, immune system, nervous system and our hormone system, they influence every level of human function. To some extent, this microbial interface is malleable; there are things we can do to ensure it contributes to health rather than detracting from it.

Learn to ferment for your health

Jo Webster

With the help of nutrition, herbs and microbes, I aim to support, inform and equip you so that you can take responsibility for your own health, thereby bringing lasting improvements through sustainable change.


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“Working together to better support your health, you as an expert in you and me with my knowledge of nutrition, herbs, microbes and humans.”

— Jo Webster

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